LENS is a cutting edge dys-entrainment neurofeedback that stimulates brain reorganization to optimize cognitive functioning and stimulate neuroplasticity. This subtle electromagnetic stimulus results in mediating ADHD, lifting depression, calming anxiety, revitalizing burn-out, improving cognitive functioning in traumatic brain injury in seconds.
LENS expedites all other therapies by improving brain functioning, memory, switching, which provides insights, problem-solving, and issue overview.. Suppression opens as LENS reorganizes the brain. Flushing occurs when revisiting past feelings, behaviors, or conditions. In children, this may revisit past behavioral difficulties, temporarily. If issues surface, it enables trauma processing and resolution. Traumas may flush in dreams, tearfulness, or in children, momentary behaviors.
LENS effects include but are not limited to improved initiative, motivation, comprehension, thinking clarity, memory, mood, decision making are enabled as suppressed/repressed energies are freed. In the reorganization process, repression sometimes opens in dreams. Revisiting of past conditions, behaviors, or emotions, in children and adults, means these suppressed issues are clearing. This provides an opportunity for Trauma Resolution Therapies such as EMDR, Brainspotting, or TFT. Trauma resolution expedites the process of clearing, freeing latent capabilities to emerge. LENS can improve suppressed cognitive processing speed, productivity, performance, and energy while improving neuroplasticity.
Neuro (brain) feedback provides feedback on neurological function in a map, just as biofeedback provides feedback on biological function. Unlike EEG neurofeedback, which trains your brain to a therapist selected frequency in 30-50 minutes over 120 sessions, a LENS application is a few seconds of dysentrainment, which prompts the brain to reorganize.
LENS is electromagnetic, not electric. It stimulates your brain using sensors. Your brain does its own reorganization, self-customized. LENS increases neuroplasticity, mental flexibility, and neural firing. Sometimes suppression opens, past emotions, behaviors or conditions may resurface in tearfulness, in behaviors in children, and/or in dreams. This opportunity to process trauma with EMDR, BSP, and/or TFT can expedite healing. This flushing is healthy.
LENS is a very subtle electromagnetic, not electric, signal, 4,000 times gentler than your cell phone signal. It does not create symptoms or raise intelligence. When intelligence improves, it was present though repressed in the brain. Flushing, which can appear to revisit oppositional behavior in children, is actually part of the healing journey. It is temporary. LENS doesn't input or extract anything; it is a stimulus, so whatever surfaces was present in the brain.
We proceed with caution with severe trauma histories. Even a slight opening of cumulative suppression can result in release of suppression/repression. When the brain of someone on medications improves, they may experience a medication overdose as their brain no longer needs the same medication dose. When capabilities, IQ, or physical conditions improve, it was inherent in the brain, just repressed.
Common effects include cognitive improvements. A severe stressor after a LENS can appear to neutralize LENS gains, as stress puts additional strain and wear on the brain. A strong LENS can alleviate past stress, burn out, exhaustion, but it cannot prevent future stressors affecting the brain. Weak self-monitors notice nothing despite brain map changes. Their family, friends, or others may notice improvements in their behavior, ability to cope, and performance.
LENS can expedite EMDR, BSP, TFT and most psychotherapies through cognitive optimization. Cognitive functioning, mood, and academic/occupational performance improve in traumatic brain injury, PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, and ADHD.
As cognitive functioning is optimized, LENS effortlessly aligns behavior. It is non-pharmaceutical, non-invasive, improves learning, and can shift behavior quickly. If LENS opens suppression, a child may revisit past emotions, conditions, or behaviors; this flushing is temporary.
Children respond quickly, can recover from 'behaviors' in 12 sessions. The younger the child, the faster the response. In traumatized children, the journey can appear to improve, worsen, improve, and worsen, until improvement displaces the unwanted behavior.
LENS reduces procrastination, improves initiative, comprehension, recall, writing, follow through, clear thinking, and focus. It typically improves performance.
LENS expedites other psychotherapies, improves initiative, productivity, follow through, and focus. A deliberate overdose can quickly lift acute/chronic depression, burn-out/exhaustion, diminish lifelong dysthymia, calm anxiety, improve mood, optimize mental speed, acuity, memory. Sometimes a feeling of destabilization occurs as the brain reorganizes to improve performance. Sometimes vivid dreaming or nightmares occur as suppression opens.
Processing speed, memory, mood, sleep, physical balance/coordination, energy, initiative, and stamina improve if hormone levels are sufficient. Hormones fuel brain-body functions. Individuals with hormonal deficiency either respond weakly or do not respond to LENS.
Vivid dreams, resurfacing of past or forgotten trauma(s) enable flushing, surfacing of unresolved emotions for processing. EMDR, BSP, and TFT trauma therapies are used to resolve issues that surface. The result includes increased energy, motivation, initiative, high productivity: doing more in less time, better sleep, ease in decision-making and seeing through manipulative behaviors. A lift in depressed mood, overload, and stressed circumstances is common.
A LENS overdose reorganizes the brain to a greater extent than is comfortable. It sometimes opens suppression, revisits past emotions, behaviors, or conditions surface in dreams. A mild overdose feels wired/energetic or tired. Overdose symptoms: a low, intermittent, or weird headache, insomnia, or irritability. Cognitive functioning is improved once discomfort passes. Depending on the amount of overdose, it may pass in an hour or a few days.
To mediate an overdose: eat root vegetables such as potato, beet, carrot, taro, gobo, turnip, ginger, sweet potato, yam, etc. and make contact with your bare feet on the earth, walk on the beach, swim in the ocean. These activities connect you to the earth's electromagnetic field, the Shumann Resonance, and calms overdose.
Your brain changes with each LENS. In other words, we are working with a new brain each LENS, so overdose is challenging to anticipate. Overdose means more reorganization is occurring, exceeding your comfort level. Re-rate your top 10 LENS issues for a scale of your rate of improvement. Your brain maps record your brain changes with each LENS. Rerating your top 10 issues compares pre-test with post-test.