A trigger is unpredictable, uncontrollable, overwhelming emotions.
Resolving the cause of a trauma eliminates future triggers. An absence of triggered reactions allows functional behaviors to emerge. Resolving causal issues relieves your body of cellularly stored trauma.
EMDR is twice as effective in less than half the time compared to talk therapy (Kaiser study). It is used at Menninger Clinic to rapidly diffuse trauma, PTSD, phobias, panic, anxiety disorders, and mediate addiction, compulsive behaviors, rage, grief, loss, shame, and fears. Each trauma process can surface other traumas. Resolving trauma shifts perception, alters behavior, gives you the option to develop more productive coping mechanisms.
Low Energy Neurofeedback System (LENS) promotes neuroplasticity. Applied in seconds, it uses dys-entrainment, unlike EEG Neurofeedback (30-45 min brain training) entrainment model. Effects are noticed immediately by very sensitive clients. Your brain embraces a LENS signal to customize its own optimization. LENS increases ease and clarity of functioning, destresses an overworked brain and opens suppression for increased plasticity and clarity.