LENS reorganizes/optimizes brain functioning. It can be used alone with excellent results. Combined with other therapies, LENS expedites other therapies.
3 online questionnaires must be completed at the Ochs Labs Website to do LENS. Your top 10 LENS issues remain after questionnaires send. This is rerated 48 hours after each LENS.
Client feedback directs sessions:
(as of February 8, 2024)
Full-Map (21 head-sites): a LENS map is generated per session. 21-sites can be done in one session, depending on individual physiology, sensitivity and tolerance.
More sites increase dose/speed of LENS therapy.
1 Package of 10 sessions discounted (as of February 8, 2024):
$75 LENS consists of up to 5 brain sites per session.
Ten $75 sessions are discounted from $750 to $700.
$150 LENS consists of 6-10 brain sites per session.
Ten $150 sessions are discounted from $1500 to $1450.
$199 LENS consists of 11-21 brain sites per session.
Ten $199 sessions are discounted from $1990 to $1940
1 Package of 5 sessions discounted (as of February 8, 2024):
$75 LENS consists of up to 5 brain sites per session.
Five $75 sessions are discounted from $375 to $350.
$150 LENS consists of 6-10 brain sites per session.
Five $150 sessions are discounted from $750 to 725.
$199 LENS consists of 11-21 brain sites per session.
Five $199 sessions are discounted from $995 to $970.
Not everyone needs a full map in one session. Individual resiliency and level of stress determines the necessity or benefit of a full map.